The fate of the Poor with sungkem remove Padasewanam

who does not know the meaning sungkem?

Nakula Sahadeva did Padasewanam
of course, these rituals can be seen much lately, both officers and the artist, when it will carry out an important event, then the "Ritual sungkem parents" not to be missed.

For our brother Javanese tradition Sungkeman to parents when mantenan or feast (as Lebaran) is a familiar sight. This tradition is understood as an expression of thanks, apology, while blessing to relatives (children) from their parents. The embrace tradition Sungkeman assured that prostrate at the feet of the parents is a tremendous boon for success. However, it is becoming remarkable (even seen maboya = weird) when the tradition was carried out by Hindu (Bali holiday villa).

Bali villa accommodation semeton possible in the minds of anyone wondering to myself,
not, Sungkeman the customary ritual of Java?
or, Sungkeman and kiss the hands of an older person is a non-Hindu religious rituals ..?
when the cursory look at the mass media, TV and other media, indeed most people who do sungkem is non-Hindu. but please note that, the ritual is a ritual native sungkem Hinduism.
How come...??
let's explore sungkem basic implementation.
in Hinduism, the term "sungkem closer to PADASEWANAM word or term Bali holiday villas NYUMBAH".

Sungkem is the teaching of Hinduism
Hindus know how to draw closer to God there are 4 ways, called Chess clan Yoga. of 4 in this way, paying respect to parents is part of Bhakti Marga. This is evidenced in the Bhagavata Purana mentions sloka said Nava Vida Bhakti are:
Sravanam, kirtanam, visnohsmaranam, Padasevanam, vandanam, arcanam, dasyam, Sakhyam, atmanivedanam. Bhagavata Purana (VII, 5:23)
Which mean :
Prihal listen to the glory of the Lord, to sing His name, remember and contemplate the glory of the Lord, worshiping the Lord's feet, reading the scriptures, honoring God through the media Arca, serving God, reaching closeness to God, surrender to God.
nah .. of 9 ritual above, one of them mentioned the word "Padasevanam" which means actually adore the Lord's feet.
Padasevanam intent or sungkem this is the embodiment of devotion to God by worshiping the lotus feet of the Lord. Defined as the lotus feet of the holy of holies leg belongs to God.
The next question is:
Padesawanam is revered is the lotus feet of the Lord, but sungkem bent or legs menentuh parents, what to do?
why parents say Feet of the Lord?
Let us recall, god holy light of the world we call DEWA. and who the gods in the world ...? if only the angels alone ...? Let us consider the following sloka:
matrdevo pitrdevobhava bhava, bhava acaryadevo atithidevo bhava. (Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11)
which mean:
a mother is a god, a father is a god, a teacher is also a god and guests also are gods.
try to notice, mother, father and teacher ... it all is god, a god holy light. so when we are bending over to them, respect them, it just means we do Padasewanam to God.
so clearly, that:
sungkem must be done on a parent or older
sungkem shall also be carried out to a teacher

Puranas in this case Ganesha Purana never tells about the benefits of surround a parent who is the representative of God on earth. The universe is only a small part of the omnipotence of God, because that to realize the divine principle in their parents then indirectly we also will be synergized with nature and the environment that support the achievement of harmony of life between man and God, with fellow human beings, and human relations with the natural environment as desired in the teachings of Tri Hita Karana.

In India itself as a forerunner to the culture of Hinduism, the tradition of washing the feet of both parents semasih life is something that is virtually mandatory for children because after all, in their daily activities, of course, a child must have just made a mistake either in deed or word -said to their parents either inadvertently or because loose control of parents even though the case is filled with love in raising their children but chances are they never failed in their duties as parents is also a sure thing.

Hence the tradition of bowing to the parents as a mark of respect and appreciation for all the good things they have done in order to raise the child needs to be maintained and preserved. Especially in the face of the current era of increasingly hard by the influence of Kali Yuga in which we find disharmony between children and parents, and especially again between the law and the law while in the scriptures of all religions have stated clearly how the importance of fostering harmonious living in the household for peace of the universe. For if in each household as the smallest scope of a community, its people can live in peace and mutual respect, then of tranquility and peace will be created within the larger scope again that peace in the village. Furthermore, if each person residing in a village can create peace and harmony among the other village, then surely it will have an impact on the creation of a sense of peace in a region, and so on. Therefore, the first step we can take to realize the word Shanti or Peace in Bali Tour Activity as set forth in any final mantram in Hindu prayers is to start from ourselves by evoking peace through the development of latent affection that already exist in every individual. For example, by contemplating well as awareness on parental affection that have been received since still in the womb until the child big and achieve the aspired success.

That's very noble moral message that has been shown to us all to be used as a torch or a reflection in behave in Kali. Even as we know that
"in the Vedic tradition, touching the feet of a parent or an older person and purified when they met was common to do".
So it is not surprising bahwasannya literature confirms that some of the prerequisites to be able to get sainthood for someone or somewhere, one of which is when he gets a chance to honor the feet of parents, or wash the feet of the Brahman (Master) and splashed water marks basuhan feet (wangsuh on) people holy. Of course this will be a very good thing if it was followed by routine reading religious scriptures, singing hymns or sacred divinity through bhajan kirtan, and perform a ceremony full-mantram sacred mantram ..

Padasewanam to Guru Nabe
examples closer in ritualistic sungkem / Padasewanam to teachers is when the RSI Yadnya madwijati, when Ritual Napak sisya by Master nabe. there is very strong visible procession sungkem or padasewanam her.

should Sungkeman tradition is wont to do, especially when approaching and after the prayer finished, during the celebration of the day of birth (otonan / birthday), at the time of the marriage ceremony, Metatah (cutting teeth), and other ceremonies. Even during the national ceremony commemorating Mother's Day (22 December), the tradition prostrate at the feet of mothers (parents).

Let us straighten a misconception. Especially for those who see '' strange '' Sungkeman tradition among the Hindus. as well as instructed in the Rigveda:
jyotismatah patho mercury Dhiya krtan (Rigveda 10.53.6)
'' May you protect the glorious traditions established (institutionalized) by the ancestors ''

Sungkem Padasewanam eliminate fate Shit
may semeton Hindu would think, generally, ritual sungkeman to eliminate bad luck is done to the mother.
padesewanam can be done in the kitchen, because the kitchen is a form feminimisme (motherhood), then the kitchen is also a gathering place for 5 elements of nature, such as: soil motherland), where water (apah), fire place (cassia), wind (wind) and cooking space (akasa). because the kitchen is a meeting place five basic elements of nature as well as a place that is feminine, then the kitchen should bersh, bright, and there is no activity cooking especially in rirun (dugout kitchen with 3 rooms with 1 hole cangkemnya.

sungkem ethics or padesewanam early, by kissing the hands of parents, especially when the IBU will conduct activities either start learning / school or going to work.

Procedure ceremony Padasewanam / Sungkeman:
in general, the ritual:
parents sit down, then your child wash the feet of his parents and kiss the feet of his parents at the bottom of the knee.

in detail, the following ritual:
1. Child washes the feet of parents with pre-prepared flower water, then wipe dry.

2. Children folded hands in front of chest (attitude panganjali) and chant the Guru Puja:
Om Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu, Guru Dewa Maheswara,
Teachers Shaksat Param Brahma, Shri Tasmei Guruwe Namaha.

3. Children do Sungkeman / Padasewanam, with a kiss to two feet of loving parents ... .sambil pronounce mantra:
Om Namame Smaranam,
Om Padame Sharanam.

Followed by a rebound Mantram:
Om Twam Ca Mata Pita Twam Ewa Ewa
Twam Ewa Ewa Bandhus Ca Sakha Twam
Twam Ewa Ewa Widyam Drawinam Twam
Ewa Twam Sarwam Mama Dewa Dewa

4. Then the two parents are holding onto two shoulders of the child, while saying mantram:
Om Swasti Sarwesam Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Santih Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Sukham Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Suputram Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Sadhunam Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Gunawan Bhawantu
Om Sarwesam Purnam Bhawantu

Then given a message of hope and prayer (the vernacular)
After Sungkeman / padasewanam, followed by dharma discourse / dharma Tula.

Indeed sungkem culture is Hindu culture. Dear we are in Bali holiday villas is very rare cultural agenda sungkem every feast let alone every day, not like sisters - sisters who have tribes that non-Hindu Javanese very disciplined with this tradition. Let us create a family - a family that is proud indetitas Hindu, Balinese Hindu cultural traditions. Thus glimpse of Sungkeman / Padasewanam can I say, that should have every Balinese MUST know this and run with it. may be useful.


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