Goa Lowo Exotic Tourism Objects In East Java

Have you ever been to Trenggalek? Don't miss out on visiting Goa Lowo. The reason this one cave stores the beauty is very comfortable for a vacation. Moreover, the atmosphere in the tourist area is very beautiful and peaceful so as to make the tourists feel at home for long. Goa Lowo is indeed surrounded by teak and fresh trees from the mountains that feel so soothing. The front yard of the cave is neatly arranged and the streets around it have been paved. For this reason, comfort and cleanliness are maintained from the Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak tourist attractions of Goa Lowo. This is the exotic tourist attraction of Goa Lowo Trenggalek, East Java.

The existence of Goa Lowo tourism in Trenggalek precisely in a village of Watu Agung, Watu Limo District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province. The location is about 30 km from the City of Trenggalek. To reach this location is not difficult, because the route is in line with the route to Prigi Beach. On each side of the road, visitors can see the signpost wooden signposts that provide information on the existence of Bali Villa For Sale Goa Lowo. For tourists can use public and private transportation. If you want to use public transportation, you can stop at your city or village bus terminal. 

After that proceed with the motorcycle taxi, Maybe you who love the beauty of Bali Travel Accommodation exotic caves, it never hurts if you visit Goa Lowo. Apparently in Indonesian, lowo means bat. Goa this one is named Lowo because in the past the cave was filled with thousands of bats. So many bats that live in it, so that the smell came bursting, piercing the nose. Even today there are still bats that live in the cave.

If you have arrived in Goa Lowo, you will see several statues that do have their own meaning. Not only that, various kinds of Bali Cheap Hotel facilities, such as playgrounds, food stalls, toilets and prayer rooms are provided for tourists. Now, to reach the mouth of the cave, visitors must pass through a bridge that continues to be connected to enter the cave. The reason Goa Lowo tour has a total length of about 2 kilometers, but only about 900 meters can be enjoyed its beauty.

Please note if you want to enjoy the rest of the cave which is about 1,100 meters in length, you have to dive into the underground river contained in the cave as deep as 10 meters. Interestingly on the inside of the cave is divided into 9 high and spacious rooms with the beauty of the towering stalactites and stalagmites. You can enjoy the beauty of Buy Villa In Bali stalactite and stalagmite. Even hear the squeal of bats that live in the cave until the smell can also be smelled. But after walking around 900 meters, road access will be stopped just like that.


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