Cool Cultural Arts Gebug Ende Dance in Buleleng Bali

Come on, Guys unique tour on the island of Bali, well of course your vacation experience will be remembered and memorable exprintular. Cuss exclusive just drive your vehicle to the Regency of Buleleng, oh yes, this time the tourist attraction will see the excitement of Gebug Culture Culture Ende Buleleng Dance - Tourism recommended 17sekians. However, this cultural dance will only be held between October and December when the final community grows corn. As a popular tourist spot, of course it's not surprising that Bali is being attacked by its culture which is still attached. This is because that the true Bali Accommodation vacationers here are not just local tourists, but foreign tourists from various kinds of ethnicities and nationalities as well as characters, customs, and different cultures.

Although the onslaught of modernity is constantly striking, the dominant Balinese do not forget the slightest beginning of the history and traditions of their ancestors which must be maintained at any time. Okay, we continue the initial discussion is the Gebug Ende dance which is worth to see its uniqueness. Judging from the movements, this dance has exactly the same movements as martial arts movements. What distinguishes it lies in the means it uses is using Tamiang (Shield) made of cow leather and rattan as a bat. The Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak performance of this dance is almost similar to a battle that has reciprocated blows between participants.

The naming of Gebug Ende is also friendly as the "Gebug Seraya" which is based on the area where this art originated. This Gebug Ende dance can only be played by men who are young enough to be resourceful as well as children. The word Gebug Ende comes from the words "Gebug" and "Ende" which means hitting where the bat is in the form of a long rattan up to about 1.5 - 2 meters and the device to deflect it is nicknamed Ende. Ende (shield) is formed from dry cowhide material which is then woven into a circle. It is told that in the past the Bali Private Villa Seraya Village manners were warriors of King Karangasem who were assigned to "attack" or attack Lombok. From the royal era, the soul and spirit of the Seraya Village knight still burns today.

With the development of the era and the passage of time, a Gebug Ende dance was created which we have been able to witness from generation to generation until now. The location for the Ende Gebug Dance can be carried out anywhere as long as the terrain is flat. The size of the area is only adapted to the media conditions. For the safety of players from the insistence of the audience, the area is limited by a rope divider. While the Banten interpreters carried out a prayer ritual thanks to the Gebug Ende dance performance being able to run Bali Kuta Resort smoothly which was able to demonstrate the success and prosperity of Krama Seraya. 

Oh yes, Guys, in addition to the Buleleng regency in the Lombok area there is also a similar ritual called "Peresean". The Gebug Ende dance tradition is one of the many ways to worship Lord Indra. The recipients of the Bali Tour Activity Gebug Ende dance are prohibited from having greedy envy and vengeful anger. If the reader wants to know and want to see exclusively this unique Balinese traditional dance can see it in remote Seraya Village, Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia or in several villages in Gerokgak District.


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