Goa Giri Putri Temple Nusa Penida, a Unique Temple in the Cave

Coming to Bali doesn't always have to swim on the beach. You can also do religious tourism in the holy temple in Bali. Goa Giri Putri Nusa Penida Temple is one of them. Called unique because of its location invisible to the eye on a flat ground, but hidden in a cave. Goa-cave in Bali is widely used as a place of worship and the location of religious rituals. Likewise with the Goa Giri Putri Nusa Penida Temple which has a sacred temple in it. Goa Giri Putri is one of the biggest caves in Nusa Penida. Located at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level and about 310 meters long, Goa Giri Putri Temple is never empty of Bali Villa For Sale visitors. In addition to the people who want to pray, tourists who come both domestic and foreign mostly want to know more about the religious rituals performed and the sacred atmosphere in the cave.

Goa Giri Putri Nusa Penida Temple comes from the word "giri" which means hill or mountain and the word "putri" which means woman. In Hinduism, the princess is a symbolic form of the power of gods. Because this holy cave is a place of worship of Shiva in the form of a manifestation of the goddess who is caring, protecting and loving humans so that the name Giri Putri is pinned to the name of the cave. Buy Villa In Bali Aside from being a place of prayer, Hindus believe the water flowing from a spring in Goa Giri Putri Temple contains natural powers that can cure illness. Hindus often beg Tirta Pangelukatan and are taken home for treatment of sick relatives or relatives through painting.

Because of its sacred and sacred location, women who are menstruating are not allowed to enter the cave area. Visitors also must wear sarong and shawl when entering the cave and must maintain their speech and behavior. To go to the cave location is not easy. You must first climb 110 steps to reach the mouth of the cave. Do not think that Bali Travel Accommodation Goa Giri Putri has a wide, large cave mouth. Even to enter the cave requires a struggle because the mouth of the cave is only 80 centimeters wide and squiggly. Herein lies the excitement of entering the Goa Giri Putri Nusa Penida Temple. 

Visitors must keep crouching and squatting along the 3 meters to reach the central location of the cave. After walking squatting, you will find a wide and wide Bali Private Villa room. Very unexpected, from the outside looks narrow because the mouth of the cave is very small. But apparently in the cave can accommodate up to 5000 people. Inside the cave are stalactites and stalagmites which adorn the entire cave room, adding to the extraordinary beauty. There are already small lights in some cave locations, but there are still some dark places because they are used as a place of meditation.

At the end of the cave, there are long chairs made of stone with statues of the gods in front as a place of worship. This is where religious ceremonies are usually performed. After walking about 100 meters, the cave entrance appears to be wide and not as narrow as the entrance. Goa Giri Putri Temple is located in Bali Cheap Accommodation Suana Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, Bali. Can be taken within 20 minutes travel eastward from the Port of Sampalan Nusa Penida.


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